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Téma: Zöld lord mayor Oxford-ban
Egyenlítői Magyar Afrika
  Válasz | 2011. május 10. 10:39 | Sorszám: 16
Vagy nem. A német zöldek 30 éve vannak jelen stabilan. Zürichben két zöld párt is kiemelkedő sikert ért el:

The centre-right Liberal Greens nearly doubled the number of seats in parliament to 19, while their centre-left rivals, the Greens, consolidated their 19 seats and gained a seat in the cantonal government.

The small centre-right Conservative Democratic Party, standing for the first time, won six seats.

The main losers were the traditional centre-right Radicals and the Christian Democrats.

The rightwing Swiss People’s Party remains the strongest group with 54 seats ahead of the centre-left Social Democrats with 35 representatives in the 180-strong parliament.

The success of the Green parties is seen by some observers as an indirect consequence of the disaster at a nuclear power plant in Japan. Others have described the result as a sign ahead of October’s election for the national parliament.

Előzmény: 15

Időzóna: CET  

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