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»  gondola Fórum   » Közélet   » Lesz-e neoliberális párt Magyaroszágon ?

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Téma: Lesz-e neoliberális párt Magyaroszágon ?
Antlfinger Edvárd
  Válasz | 2004. április 19. 15:49 | Sorszám: 51

Top 100 Child poverty

Country Description Amount
1. Mexico 26.2%
2. United States 22.4%
3. Italy 20.5%
4. United Kingdom 19.8%
5. Turkey 19.7%
6. Ireland 16.8%
7. Canada 15.5%
8. Poland 15.4%
9. Australia 12.6%
10. Greece 12.3%
11. Spain 12.3%
12. Japan 12.2%
13. Germany 10.7%
14. Hungary 10.3%
15. France 7.9%
16. Netherlands 7.7%
17. Czech Republic 5.9%
18. Denmark 5.1%
19. Luxembourg 4.5%
20. Belgium 4.4%
21. Finland 4.3%
22. Norway 3.9%
23. Sweden 2.6%
Weighted Average 17.18

Definition: ""Child poverty"" index is defined as the share of the children living in the households with income below 50% of the national median.

Előzmény: 49

Időzóna: CET  

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