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Téma: Amerika!!-Csak nektek:)
  Válasz | 2006. május 26. 00:30 | Sorszám: 759
Akkor ez még nem jutott el hozzád :


Olga Rutterschmidt, 73, and Helen Golay, 75, were charged Thursday with mail fraud, but police consider them suspects in the deaths of the two homeless men.

Detectives believe that Rutterschmidt and Golay recruited potential victims for the complex life-insurance scheme from Los Angeles' Eastern European community.

Rutterschmidt is from Hungary, as was Paul Vados, the first of the two alleged victims.

According to court documents filed by prosecutors in federal court this week, detectives said they arrested the pair Thursday after becoming alarmed about the safety of several men.

During a surveillance operation, the documents say, police witnessed Rutterschmidt give an elderly man named Josef Gabor numerous documents, which he signed. She then drove him to a Washington Mutual branch on Wilshire Boulevard near Crenshaw Boulevard, prosecutors said.

Police are also looking for Nicholas Koos, who lived in an apartment building next to the Hungarian Reformed Church on Crenshaw, a few blocks from the bank.

Gabor and Kenneth McDavid, the second homeless man killed, also once lived next to the church.
... "

: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/la-me-homeless20may20,1,3404520.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true

Olga Rutterschmidt ... Helen Golay

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