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Téma: Zsidó ügynököket tartóztatott le az FBI!
  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 17:14 | Sorszám: 12
Na igen, ha becsukom a szemem, akkor kardbojt sincs ...
  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 16:59 | Sorszám: 11
Tehát az USA-ban két éve letartóztatott izraeli ügynökök esetébál azt szüröf le, hogy hogy a kovács féle mszp az egy magyarországi zsidó lobby?

Tudod harcos jobboldaliakra szükség van, de agyalágyultakra nem annyira.

Ez a topic is besorolható a kardbojt néző topicok közé. A magyarság sorskérdései helyébe igyeksizk valami műproblémát találni.

  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 16:49 | Sorszám: 10
A "Magyar(?)" - izreli felforrósodott kapcsolatok, már puszipajtáskodásosdi szinten vannak. "Példás jó viszony"-Kovács.
Egy rasszista, agresszor állammal egyedül mi(?) és az USA borúlunk össze ilyen szinten.
Ez csak úgy lehet, -általában-, ha azok vannak hatalmon, azok eröltetik a "szoros" kapcsolatot, akiknek érdekeke, személyes meggyőződési vonzalma feledtet minden lelkiismereti tényezőt. Egy megfelelési kényszer az anya ország irányába. Persze az anyuska (moszad) ezt el is várja, mi több, referálni kell.
A magyarországi, hatalomban pöffeszkedő zsidó lobbi kezd felzárkózni az USA szintjére, hatékonyságilag.


Magyar Bálint, Lévai Kata: http://www.erec.hu/belso/content/2003_11/MAGYARB.HTM

Bárándy Péter: http://www.erec.hu/belso/content/2003_09/YADVASEM.HTM

Hanukázás a kormánytagokkal: http://www.zsido.com/chanuka/page2.htm http://www.zsido.com/chanuka/page1.html

  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 16:33 | Sorszám: 9
" 1. Nem zsidó, hanem izraeli "

Nocsak, csak nem izraeli palesztinok?

  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 15:31 | Sorszám: 8
1. Nem zsidó, hanem izraeli
2. A hír már két éves
3. Semmi ujdonság nincsen benne. Mindig is ismert volt, hogy izrael (is) akar különféle technolgiákat, ipar kémkedéssel megszerezni az USA-ból. Ezért tartoznak az izraeli állampolgárok abba az ország csoportba, akiknek a beutazásának engedélyezését szigorubb feltételekhez kötik.
  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 14:32 | Sorszám: 7
Kíváncsi lennék a "MAGYAR(?)" Nemzetbiztonsági Hivatalnál
a a Moszad, a CIA, a KGB, Szeku, stb testvérszervezet vagy konkurencia, esetleg ellenség? Vagy "X"? http://www.nbh.hu/english/index.htm

"A haza minden előt!" valós-e???

  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 14:12 | Sorszám: 6

Légyszíves tisztelj meg bennünket és fordítsd le magyarra. Így lenne korrekt. Elvégre mi itt (többnyire) magyarúl olvasunk, írunk.
Érdeklődéssel várom a fordítást.


  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 14:02 | Sorszám: 5
Vajon Európában és Magyarországon milyen feladatai lehetnek egy izraeli titkoszolgának?
  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 13:29 | Sorszám: 4
A \zsido ugynokos dologrol en is hallottam,tul sok egybeeses volt ott a 911 taekan,ami ohatatrlanul rajuk terelte a gyanut persze csak bizonyos vonatkozasokban...Ok ugyanis az USA szent tehenei..
  Válasz | 2004. június 26. 12:55 | Sorszám: 3
Magyarországon mi a helyzet?
Root of all Evil
  Válasz | 2002. január 18. 23:26 | Sorszám: 2
Legkozelebb a sajat velemeny, vagy forditas nelkuli ilyen meretu idegennyelvu idezetet torolni fogom flood miatt.
  Válasz | 2002. január 18. 22:40 | Sorszám: 1
Tudok angolul, de magyarul szívesebben olvasok.
  Válasz | 2002. január 18. 19:56 | Sorszám: 0

Spying on America
Charles R. Smith
Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2002
FBI Investigates Foreign Spy Ring ?
U.S. Companies Deny Involvement

In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the FBI reportedly stumbled on an espionage ring that had penetrated the wiretapping system of U.S. law enforcement. Fox News Channel reported that the FBI was holding nearly 100 Israeli citizens with direct ties to foreign military, criminal and intelligence services.

In a follow-up to these reports, the FBI did not deny that such actions had been taken. However, FBI spokesman Paul Bresson would not answer specific questions on the reported espionage.

"We have seen the Fox News segments that aired several weeks ago on this topic and found some inaccuracies with it. Because they are sensitive issues, I do not have the luxury of discussing what precisely was accurate and what was inaccurate about their reporting," stated Paul Bresson, spokesman for the FBI.

"Most of the questions [asked by NewsMax.com] are not directly answerable by CALEA [Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act]. Your questions may be more properly addressed to our National Security Division, which I know would never discuss this with you, unfortunately," stated Bresson.

FBI Response Raises Questions

Despite the extensive denials by Amdocs and Comverse, the curious response by the FBI has raised more questions than answers. Sources inside Capitol Hill are investigating the allegations and made no comments on the allegations of espionage at this time. However, the demands for answers continued to grow outside political circles.

"If national security is the overriding issue in the FBI's treatment of this case, the correct response to your questions should have been 'Sorry, we have no comment at this time,'" said Douglas Brown of the Nathan Hale Institute.

"Of course, the most reassuring response would have been 'There's no truth to the stories,' but apparently the bureau can't say that. Maybe the spokesperson is well-informed?" questioned Brown.

"Something is up. One of the things that gave the Fox report added credibility was 'investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.' I think it pretty much captures the bizzaro world U.S. law enforcement and intelligence continues to operate in during the post-Clinton years," said Brown.

"Everything is opposite still in their world, since the Clintonistas still control it. The more you screw up, the higher you go. Forget 'The West Wing' and 'The Agency' type shows, 'Seinfeld' reruns do a better job of capturing reality in D.C.," said Brown.

"If the Israelis have used the companies named in the Fox reports for intelligence purposes, it lies somewhere between the Liberty incident and Jonathan Pollard affair for outrageousness. Yet, if true, one has to admire the creativity and ingenuity of Israeli intelligence," said Brown.

Are Israeli Spies in the U.S.?

"First, they have taken advantage of a technically bumbling and compromised law enforcement and counterintelligence community and may have essentially made U.S. law enforcement wiretapping activities a branch of Israeli intelligence. It would be quite impressive if true," noted Brown.

"They have used their technical expertise in-house to identify and exploit cutting-edge technologies and companies. In gaining control over those technologies and companies, they would also have shown a deft handling of merger and acquisitions, personnel recruitment, and playing the capital markets.

"In addition, as publicly traded companies, private and institutional investors from around the world would be funding Israeli intelligence activities. Again, pretty impressive, if true, and really pretty much the model, or a variation of the model, now used by the intelligence agencies of China, Russia and some of our European allies," said Brown.

"If they [the Fox reports] do turn out to expose Israeli intelligence operations, one's admiration for Israeli ingenuity would be more than tempered by amazement at the sheer stupidity and recklessness of the Israelis' actions," noted Brown.

"First, they would have seriously damaged their relationship with the United States on many levels. Since that relationship is fundamental to Israel's existence, not a smart move.

"Second, while Israel, like the prodigal son, will always be able to ultimately rely on America's protection, Israeli high-tech companies are a major target for Russian intelligence and organized crime," stated Brown.

Damage to U.S.-Israeli Relations

"The prodigal son may have left our back door open to some of the most dangerous people in our global village. In other words, Israeli ingenuity in infiltrating and exploiting the U.S. high-tech industry may be seriously undermining the security and power of the country that is, in fact, the ultimate guarantor of its existence. Again, not a smart move," said Brown.

"Finally, if the Israelis are using such a modus operandus for penetrating U.S. high-tech companies and government agencies, it is not a method of operation appropriate or necessary for a close ally to engage in. The risk of backlash and recriminations are much too great. Russian and Chinese use of such methods is understandable and a natural evolution and outgrowth of intelligence operations conducted for decades, but Israel should adhere more closely to the more open and, unfortunately, usually perfectly legal methods used by allies like Japan," stated Brown.

"It looks like Louis Freeh may have another chapter to write in his memoirs ? right after the Hanssen chapter," concluded Brown.

Időzóna: CET  

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