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Téma: Számítógép (minden ami belefér) III.
  Válasz | 2012. november 07. 18:02 | Sorszám: 926

For immediate release: 06/30/2011 | NR-11-06-08

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory opens High Performance Computing Innovation Center for collaboration with industry

Donald B Johnston, LLNL, (925) 423-4902, johnston19@llnl.gov

"... The HPC Innovation Center (HPCIC) makes available to industry more than two decades of experience as a global leader in supercomputing. To fulfill its primary mission to ensure the safety, security and reliability of the nation's aging nuclear deterrent without testing, LLNL, in partnership with IBM, has developed and deployed some of the fastest supercomputers, including BlueGene/L, which held the No. 1 ranking on the industry-standard Top500 list of the world's most powerful computers for nearly four years. Through HPCIC, industry will now be able to tap Laboratory capabilities and expertise that have allowed the United States to end nuclear testing and greatly advanced the state of related science."

A visualization of waves generated at the interface of two dissimilar moving fluids, modeled with atomic-level resolution at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Roughly 63 billion atoms were simulated on a supercomputer with more than 200,000 processors to analyze a physical phenomenon as familiar to us as the effects of wind blowing over a body of water.

Előzmény: 923

Időzóna: CET  

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