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Téma: Lelki jelenségek, elváltozások
john batky
  Válasz | 2009. szeptember 08. 15:46 | Sorszám: 300

What is depression?

Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year.

Depression is the leading cause of disability as measured by YLDs and the 4th leading contributor to the global burden of disease (DALYs) in 2000. By the year 2020, depression is projected to reach 2nd place of the ranking of DALYs calcuated for all ages, both sexes. Today, depression is already the 2nd cause of DALYs in the age category 15-44 years for both sexes combined.

Depression occurs in persons of all genders, ages, and backgrounds.


- Depression is common, affecting about 121 million people worldwide.
- Depression is among the leading causes of disability worldwide.
- Depression can be reliably diagnosed and treated in primary care.
- Fewer than 25 % of those affected have access to effective treatments.

Depression can be reliably diagnosed in primary care. Antidepressant medications and brief, structured forms of psychotherapy are effective for 60-80 % of those affected and can be delivered in primary care. However, fewer than 25 % of those affected (in some countries fewer than 10 %) receive such treatments. Barriers to effective care include the lack of resources, lack of trained providers, and the social stigma associated with mental disorders including depression.

Primary care based quality improvement programs for depression have been shown to improve the

- quality of care,
- satisfaction with care
- health outcomes,
- functioning,
- economic productivity,
- and household wealth at a reasonable cost

forrás: http://www.who.int/mental_health/management/depression/definition/en/

Időzóna: CET  

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