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  Válasz | 2005. január 24. 15:09 | Sorszám: 234
Pl. :
"Well, I got the *Maxims of George Washington* (actually published by
D. Appleton & Co., 1894) through interlibrary loan yesterday, thanks
to U.C. San Diego being willing to allow a 104 yr. old volume to
travel. It makes interesting reading. I found that the above quote
is almost entirely accurate--EXCEPT that the original has no mention
of the Jews. Why am I not surprised?

When Washington made this statement he was, according to *Maxims*
speaking of speculators in the currency, not Jews. I did a teensy
bit of research & discovered that one of the great problems of our
Revolution was that speculators cornered supplies of shoes, clothes &
vital supplies & sold them at huge profits, while privateers would
slip out of port & trade in other nations making individuals rich to
the detriment of the national treasury. In a letter to John
Augustine Washington (10/26/1778) Washington wrote:

"I would to God that one of the most atrocious of each State was hung
in gibbets upon a gallows five times as high as the one prepared for
Haman." (Haman~In the Old Testament, a Persian minister who was
hanged for plotting the destruction of the Jews.)

As to what Washington really felt about the Jews, I have found no
negative statements--although I _did_ find addresses to Jewish
congregations congratulating them on the freedom from persecution
that America offered them! As a matter of fact, Jews played a great
part in our Revolution. They took part in our rebellion from the very
first: 9 Jews signed the Non-Importation Resolutions of 1765 (on
display in Philadelphia at Carpenter's Hall). One, Haym Salomon,
was a rich man who unstintingly gave money to help our leaders when
in need (including Jefferson & Madison and other members of congress)
& refused to be paid back & in addition gave many thousands of
dollars to the Treaury & the army. Many other Jews gave money to our
early government, including one Manuel Mordecai Noah who served as an
officer on Washington's staff & who, upon enlistment, gave his entire
fortune of 20,000 pounds to the cause. Many fought as soldiers.

Since Washington spoke out on his feelings about Indians and slaves,
especially in his diaries & letters, I can't help but think that if
he had any low opinions of Jews they would have surfaced long ago.

The original poster tried to use the words of Washington to spread
his foul lies & prejudices. Hey Buryea, try _this_ quote from *The
Maxims of Washington*:

"I am sure, the mass of citizens in these United States mean well; &
I firmly believe they will always act well, whenever they can obtain
_a right understanding of matters_. But, in some parts of the Union,
where the sentiments of their delegates & leaders are adverse to
government, and great pains are taken to inculcate a belief, that
their rights are assailed & their liberties endangered, it is not
easy to accomplish this; ESPECIALLY, as is the case invariably, when
industry, in DISSEMINATING POISON, than the well-disposed part of the
community, in furnishing the antidote. TO THIS ALL OUR DISCONTENTS
MAY BE TRACED; and from it all our embarrassments proceed." (p.76,
Maxims)." http://groups.google.co.hu/groups?hl=hu&lr=&selm=01bd69c6%243fbc7b80%24b4ebd9cf%40default&rnum=4

Előzmény: 229
  Válasz | 2005. január 24. 15:07 | Sorszám: 232
meg kell kérni lovaspityut, hogy álljon elő a forrásával: ő honnan szedte
ha egy konkrét Washington-művel áll elő, akkor semmi gond, ha egy obskurus neonáci honlappal, akkor kissé gázos a dolog
Előzmény: 229
  Válasz | 2005. január 24. 14:58 | Sorszám: 230
Olyan lapot sokat találtam, ahol megírják, hogy ez egy 'urban legend' vagy hoax, de olyat még nem, ahol azt írják, hogy nem hoax, mert itt és itt télleg a zsidókról beszélt.
Vitafórumokban nézem.
Előzmény: 229

Időzóna: CET  

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